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Under the leadership of Renata Jacobs, Cartoneros y sus Chicos has set the goal of enabling the Cartoneros and their children to live better lives and look forward to a brighter future.

With this in mind, Cartoneros y sus Chicos is focusing on the Cartoneros of the “Madreselvas” cooperative, who live in the Municipality of Pilar in Buenos Aires.

One aspect of their work is the educational support given to children and teenagers in the form of private tuition and material donations such as computers, books and writing materials. Extra-curricular activities, supervised by the teachers, are offered as well.

Health and hygiene are also important issues.  Local support has helped to raise awareness of the importance of dental hygiene in both children and adults. The children also receive nutritionally enriched cereal bars and a warm meal at school. They are taught how to approach food and nutrition and learn about the importance of a balanced diet.

But this is only the start. We fully realize that further efforts must still be made to improve their quality of life.

Cooperation with “Las Madreselvas”


It was the goal of Renata Jacobs’ international programme to find local partners who could create a smooth running operation and help ensure that the money was being deployed in the correct way.  


Renata Jacobs succeeded in winning support for the project “Cartoneros y sus Chicos” from “Fundación SES” in Buenos Aires. Within the project, the children of the Cartoneros of the “Madreselvas” cooperative receive academic tuition three hours per day. The children are distributed in two groups who attend classes either in the morning or afternoon.

The project has proved quite successful: In 2013, 68% of the children could be promoted to a higher academic year – in 2014 it was 80%, in 2015 the success rate was 100% and in 2016, only three of our children did not reach the average to be promoted, which means that 97% of the children passed on to the next grade.

Alongside the educational tuition, a variety of workshops is offered, such as sewing, weaving, music, sport activities, painting etc.


Cartoneros y sus Chicos is funded by donations made at charity events as well as from cooperations and sponsoring.


© Cartoneros y sus Chicos

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