To date, Renata Jacobs has spent several years touring South America and Argentina in particular. It has been her long-standing goal to give a voice to minorities and less privileged sections of the population and to integrate them into society. To this end, the Zurich-born activist founded a project in the early 90s which made it possible for the children of gauchos on Argentinean estancias to go to school and secure an education. The project ran successfully in a self-reliant manner and required only routine monitoring from her side.
Accordingly, she found herself able to tackle another cause close to her heart: the Cartoneros. It is her aim that the project “Cartoneros y sus Chicos” will be equally as successful and that children living on the outskirts of Buenos Aires will be afforded a fresh outlook for a brighter future.
With the help of her broad network of connections and her anchoring in the Swiss economy, the mother-of-four collects donations for the Cartoneros through annual charity events in Buenos Aires and Zurich and enhances the general population’s awareness of the topic. In so doing – and despite unavoidable setbacks – she is drawing ever closer to the fundamental principle of an equal right to education for all and with it, the possibility of a better future.

"Whether young or old, rich or poor, woman or man – every human has the right to a decent education."
- Klaus J. Jacobs